Now who is that lankylooking galoot over there in the macintosh ? now who is he i d like to know 咦,那边那个身穿胶布雨衣153瘦瘦高高的蠢货是谁呀?
Next you d see a raft sliding by , away off yonder , and maybe a galoot on it chopping , because they re most always doing it on a raft ; you d see the axe flash and come down - you don t hear nothing ; you see that axe go up again , and by the time it s above the man s head then you hear the k chunk 再隔一个时候,你也许会看到一只木筏老远地滑过水面。也许上面会有一个楞头楞脑的小伙子在劈木柴,因为木筏子上总有人干这个活。你会看到斧头一闪,朝下一劈声音你是听不到的又见斧头往上举起,举到人头那么高,然后喀嚓一声从水上经过一些时间才传到你耳朵里。