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Chinese translation for "galliard"

Example Sentences:
1.It ' s said that the first galliard was a fianna
2.Brisk in a galliard he was off and out . in the daylit corridor he talked with voluble pains of zeal , in duty bound , most fair , most kind , most honest broadbrim
在浴满阳光的走廊上,他不辞劳苦,热情地口若悬河地谈着,极其公正极其和蔼地尽着本分,不愧为一名最忠诚的“宽边帽” 295 。
3.This face , and worn and shown them both with such a galliard air , without undergoing stern question before a magistrate , and probably incurring fine or imprisonment , or perhaps an exhibition in the
4.A landsman could hardly have worn this garb and shown this face , and worn and shown them both with such a galliard air , without undergoing stern question before a magistrate , and probably incurring fine or imprisonment , or perhaps an exhibition in the stocks
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