| 1. | There was no lack of gallantry and fortitude . 并不缺乏勇气和刚毅。 |
| 2. | He won many hearts by his gallantry . 他以殷勤热情赢得芳心无数。 |
| 3. | I decorated an american officer for gallantry . 我给一个勇敢的美国军官授勋。 |
| 4. | Did you learn these pretty gallantries at rome ? 你是在罗马学的这些豪言壮语吗? |
| 5. | I honour your gallantry . 我佩服你的豪侠。 |
| 6. | Mr. rushworth exposed her sister to the whispered gallantries of her lover . 罗什渥兹先生对她姐姐说不完温情耳语。 |
| 7. | If she springs on you i shall defend you and prove my poor gallantry . 要是她向您扑来,我就保护您,以证明我那微弱的勇气。 |
| 8. | This misconception and his gallantry seemed in some way to bring her and me closer together . 这种误解和他的殷勤反倒使我和她更亲密了。 |
| 9. | Even sir leicester's gallantry has some trouble to keep pace with her . 甚至连莱斯特爵士这样殷勤体贴的人,要想追随她的左右,也感到头痛。 |
| 10. | The greatest amount of gallantry that ever garrisoned one human breast could scarce avail against two hundred . 一个人哪怕胸怀无限的豪勇,也抵挡不了二百个人。 |