| 1. | It ' s a funerary statue of the pharaoh and queen . . 雕塑呈现的是法老和皇后的葬礼 |
| 2. | It ' s a funerary statue of the pharaoh and queen 雕塑呈现的是法老和皇后的葬礼 |
| 3. | On funerary objects in the song dynasty 浅析宋代丧葬明器 |
| 4. | On the funerary jade articles unearthed in the tombs of leud and the system of jade using in han dynasty 两汉诸侯王墓出土葬玉及葬玉制度初探 |
| 5. | " the linen wrappings and the funerary drawings on the mummy are still as they were , " he said "亚麻包装纸和图纸陪葬的木乃伊仍然像他们, "他说 |
| 6. | The funerary wares have come into being a kind of cultral phenomenon worth to study in the process of his development 明器在自身的发展演变中,本身也形成了一种值得研究的文化现象。 |
| 7. | While still regarding slaves as chattels , the slave - owners had to replace burying slaves alive with using figurines as funerary objects 制度虽然废了,但奴隶主那种视臣民为工具,视人命如草芥的意识,却没有改变。 |
| 8. | Myrrh is named for its bitter taste which , along with its funerary uses , has caused it to be associated with the bitter things of life 没药是由于它的苦味来命名,连同着它的葬礼用途,从而引致了把没药与生命中的痛苦之事连接在一起。 |
| 9. | The capital of the old kingdom of egypt has some extraordinary funerary monuments , including rock tombs , ornate mastabas , temples and pyramids 这处令人叹为观止的墓葬群遗址坐落在古埃及王国首都的周围,包括岩石墓、石雕墓,庙宇和金字塔。 |
| 10. | With traces of gilding not only shows that elaborate funerary practices prevailed in the tang period , but also reveals the marvellous imagination of the potters 这对天王俑上有金片残痕,可想见当时唐代厚葬风气之盛,与及陶匠丰富的想像力。 |