Using fumy cipher , transmission data are kept secret that can prevent others from reading or writing data without permit . it can ensure data security 为了确保数据传输的安全性,运用流密码对数据进行加密传输,防止外来者的攻击,未经授权进行非法数据读写操作。
It is proved that strong countable compact set is a strong fuzzy paracompact if and only if it is a strong fuzzy compact , strong fuzzy compact set and fuzzy unit interval are strong fuzzy paracompact , the product of a strong fuzzy compact set and a strong paracompact set is strong fuzzy paracompact , a strong t2strong fuzzy paracompact space is strong 5 - regular and strong s - normal , a strong 5 - regula 证明了每个强fuzzy紧集和fuzzy单位区间i厂)都是强fumy仿紧的;强fuzzy紧集和强fuzzy仿紧集的乘积是强fuzzy仿紧集;强tz的强fuzzy仿紧空间是强s “一正则的;强tz的强fuz 。