The superb nazi war plants were likely to furnish the lunatic fuhrer with enough u-235 bombs . 纳粹的那些设备精良的军用工厂很可能会向那疯狂的元首提供足够的U-235炸弹。
The fuhrer doesn ' t look kindly on failure 元首对于失败是不会高兴的
The superb nazi war plants were likely to furnish the lunatic fuhrer with enough u - 235 bombs 纳粹的那些设备精良的军用工厂很可能会向那疯狂的元首提供足够的u - 235炸弹。
Adolf hitler intended to recreate the vatican ' s st peter ' s square in the centre of berlin to honour his ally benito mussolini , newly discovered documents have revealed . albert speer , the fuhrer ' s chief architect , was commissioned to draw up the plans , which have been discovered by historians examining his papers 最新发现的档案资料显示,二战期间,希特勒曾计划将著名的梵蒂网圣彼得广场“照搬”到柏林,因为他试图将柏林建设成像古罗马那样的“不灭之城” 。