Incorrect eyebrow tattoos and eliminating freckles , senile plaque , foxiness in shallow skin and tatiana mole in deep skin and has also produced a good curative effect in treating blood vessel and other skin disease 用于各种皮肤良性肿瘤色痣皮赘老年疣扁平疣寻常疣丝状疣尖锐湿疣腋臭及文身等,也可用于皮肤癌瘤。
It is especially suited for removing tattoos , improving incorrect eyebrow tattoos and eliminating freckles , senile plaque , foxiness in shallow skin and tatiana mole in deep skin and has also produced a good curative effect in treating blood vessel and other skin disease 毫焦耳,色素团在瞬间吸收了高能量的激光后迅速膨胀,破裂成细小颗粒,这些小颗粒被体内的巨噬细胞吞噬后排出体外,色素逐渐变浅,最后消失,达到治疗的目的。