New york ( reuters health ) feb 07 - breast - fed children are significantly more likely to do well in measures of foveal stereoacuity than are those who received formula , according to uk researchers 纽约(路透社健康) 2月7日据英国的研究人员称,母乳喂养的小孩的中心凹立体视力明显比配方奶喂养的儿童发育地更好。
Based on random dot e test results , breast - fed children were significantly ( p = 0 . 001 ) more likely to have greater foveal stereoacuity than did children in either formula - fed group ( odds ratio , 2 . 5 ) 为了进一步研究,研究人员研究了年龄为4至6岁的曾用母乳喂养的78个儿童和曾用配方奶喂养的184个儿童,从他们出生开始随访。
In a series of 30 cases of retinitis pigmentosa , pigment epithelial alterations included mottling of the macula in 8 eyes ( 13 . 3 % ) , bull ' s - eye pattern in 24 eyes ( 40 % ) and atrophy or hypopigmentation in 56 eyes ( 93 . 3 % ) ; macular edema with retinal thickening was present in 30 eyes ( 50 % ) , cystoid macular edema in 18 eyes ( 30 % ) ; broadening or loss of foveal reflex was present in 60 eyes ( 100 % ) , preretinal membrane noticed in 58 eyes ( 96 . 7 % ) and macular hemorrhage in one eye ( 1 . 7 % ) 摘要对网膜色素变性症的病例30例60眼探讨其黄斑部病灶的情形,网膜色素上皮层变化中的杂色斑点病变见于8眼,频率为13 . 3 % ,牛眼样病灶见于24眼( 40 % ) ,网膜脱色素病灶为56眼( 93 . 3 % ) ;黄斑部浮肿之网膜增厚为30眼( 50 % ) ,类囊胞浮肿为18眼( 30 % ) ;其它变化包括中心窝反射消失或增宽为60眼( 100 % ) ,网膜前纤维膜为58眼( 96 . 7 % ) ,黄斑部出血和疑似网膜下新生血管各为1眼( 1 . 7 % ) 。