| 1. | Foreseeability of law 法的可预测性 |
| 2. | It can be noted that the concept of reasonable foreseeability is used often by the law 值得注意的是法律上经常使用合理预见这一概念。 |
| 3. | There are both distinctions and relations between foreseeability and remoteness , causation , foreseeability in torts 该原则与遥远性、因果关系及侵权中的可预见性等相关概念既有区别又有联系。 |
| 4. | The rule of foreseeability is a whole set of rules including the subject , the time , the standard , the extent and the content to foresee 该原则是由预见主体、预见时间、预见标准、预见程度及预见内容等内部规则组成的一整套规则。 |
| 5. | The rule of foreseeability is provided in the civil laws or contract laws in many countries , as one of the important tests for limitation on compensation for breach in contract 可预见性原则是限制违约损害赔偿的重要标准,已在世界各国的民法或合同法中得到普遍的确立。 |
| 6. | Art . 113 on foreseeability in chinese contract law is advanced , but its defect is that the provision does n ' t exclude the application of foreseeability from disproportion between risks and benefits 其不足之处在于,没有把可预见性原则的适用排除在损害赔偿与合同价金相差悬殊、极不相称的情形之外。 |
| 7. | In this article , the author introduces various comments on functions and theories of the rule , and thinks that the rule of foreseeability is a policy tool to facilitate information exchange , fairness and efficiency 本文介绍了可预见性原则的各种功能、评价以及理论基础,认为该原则是促进信息共享、公平和效率的政策根据。 |
| 8. | The rule of foreseeability is applied to determine the scope of damages for breach , but not applied in nonperformance , such as void contract , voidable contract and negotiation in bad faith during making contract due to one party ' s fault 可预见性原则适用于违约损害赔偿,并不适用于非合同履行的场合,例如因一方过错导致合同无效、合同被撤销,以及合同订立过程中的恶意磋商等发生损失的情形。 |
| 9. | The methods restricting damages imposed on the party in breach mainly are : the rule of foreseeability , the rule of balancing out increase and decrease , the rule of contributory negligence , and the rule of mitigation of damage 但是,并不是合同相对人事实上蒙受的全部损害都能得到赔偿,换言之,违约方的损害赔偿是受到限定的。违约方损害赔偿的限定规则主要有:可预见性规则、损益相抵规则、过失相抵规则、减损规则。 |
| 10. | Based on this , some widely established rules including the rule of total compensation , the rule of foreseeability , the rule of mitigation , the rule of counterbalance between loss and profit , and the rule of compensatio culpae are discussed in details 在此基础上,笔者从比较法角度系统阐述了各国确定违约损害赔偿范围的诸规则(主要包括完全赔偿规则、可预见规则、过失相抵及损益相抵规则、减轻损失规则)的内涵、理论发展及相关问题。 |