I came into this room , and the sight of the empty chair and fireless hearth chilled me 我走进这个房间,一见到空空荡荡的椅子和没有生火的炉子,心便凉了半截。
The church was very cold , for its heating apparatus had been fireless since the previous evening , and its lofty , vaulted aisles were full of a fine damp vapor which had come filtering through the windows 他上了宽大的石阶,他跑累了,在门廊下喘口气。随后,他走进教堂。教堂里很冷,昨天晚上暖气关了,高高的拱顶上布满了从玻璃窗上渗进来的水蒸汽。
Poverty looks grim to grown people ; still more so to children : they have not much idea of industrious , working , respectable poverty ; they think of the word only as connected with ragged clothes , scanty food , fireless grates , rude manners , and debasing vices : poverty for me was synonymous with degradation 我陷入了沉思,在成年人看来贫困显得冷酷无情,孩子则尤其如此。至于勤劳刻苦令人钦敬的贫困,孩子们不甚了了。在他们心目中,这个字眼始终与衣衫槛褴褛食品匿乏壁炉无火行为粗鲁以及低贱的恶习联系在一起。