) i feel my old friend is tackling a reconciliation with the finitude of life with these lines 窃忖兄或以此诗句,聊慰浮生有限之憾恨。
As a particular category of economic monopoly , the earlier studying of natural monopoly , which is related to the finitude and the concentration especially the imbalance of location of the natural resources 作为经济性垄断中的特殊类型,最初的自然垄断与资源有限性及集中程度有关,特别是与自然资源分布不平衡相关。
With the feature of fixation and interaction , the living space in classrooms is a dialectical unifying of the finitude and the infinite . at the same time , the transcendence to the one dimensional space is the reason why students can grasp in a short time large amounts of knowledge which is cumulated in a long time by people 课堂生活空间具有固定性和交互作用性,是有限与无限的辩证统一;同时,课堂生活空间对单重空间的超越,是学生能在短时间内掌握大量人类积累的知识的基础。