Fichte my shit is even more idealistic than kant ' s shit 费希特:我的大便比康德的大便更要理想化。
Fichte ' s late theory of knowledge 主体谱系学之二
All the celebrated persons of that period , from alexander and napoleon to madame de stal , foty , schelling , fichte , chateaubriand , and so on , receive the severest criticism at their hands , and are acquitted or condemned according as they worked for progress or for 当时所有闻名的人物,从亚历山大和拿破仑到斯塔埃尔夫人福蒂谢林费希特谢多勃良以及和其他一些人物都遭受到史学家们的严正的审判,并视他们是否有助于进步或反动而宣告无罪或加以谴责。
But the philosophic historian gervinus , controverting the view of the special historian of those events , seeks to prove that the campaign of 1813 and the restoration of the bourbons was due not only to alexander , but also to the work of stein , metternich , madame de stal , talleyrand , fichte , chateaubriand , and others . the historian obviously analyses the power of alexander into component forces 但是通史家革飞努斯断然否定专题史学家的这种观点,他极力证明一八一三年的远征和波旁王朝的复辟,除了由于亚历山大的意志外,还由于施泰因梅特涅斯塔埃尔夫人塔列兰费希特谢多勃良以及其他诸人的行动造成的。