No deeply thinking mind is always and wholly free. in the marble faun hawthorne said of a building in rome . 思想再深邃,也不能完全摆脱。霍桑在《玉石雕像》里谈到罗马的建筑。
White witch : do you know why you are here , faun 白女巫:农牧之神,你知道为什么你会在这儿吗?
Debussy prelude to the afternoon of a faun 德彪西牧神午后前奏曲
Prelude to the afternoon of a faun is now so familiar that we can ' t imagine how its revolutionary textures and form stirred audiences when it was new 《牧农神下午的序曲》现在聆听起来如此熟悉,以至于我们无法想象他革命性的乐曲结构和形式在当时是如何广泛传播与听众之中的。
The adventures lucy and her siblings have are the sorts of things that might happen in any english forest , assuming fauns , lions and witches can be found there 在英国任何一个森林当中都被猜测会出现农牧神、狮子和女巫,而露茜和其兄弟姐妹们的历险似乎就是在讲述此类会在那里发生的事情。
The paper will study the upper questions based on the two interconnection networks . first , we give a fault - tolerant routing algorithm under the connectivity of the crossed cube in o ( n ) time and the length of the longest routing path ; second , with the rapid progress in vlsi , the failing probability of processors and links is very low , the traditional connectivity underestimates the resilience of large networks / here by applying the concept " conditional connectivity " introduce by harary , we show that the n - crossed cube can tolerate up to 2n - 3 ( n > 2 ) processors failure and remain connected provide that all the neighbors of each processor do not ' fail at the same time , the result is the same as the hypercube . we also give a related algorithm in o ( n ) time , and the length of the longest path ; third , we apply cluster faun tolerance introduced by q . - p 根据menger定理, n -维交叉立方体可以容纳n - 1个故障顶点,我们给出了它的时间复杂度为o ( n )的容错路由选择算法及其最长路径长度分析;在此基础上本文证明, n -维交叉立方体的条件连通度为2n - 2 ( n 2 ) ,并给出了相应时间复杂度为o ( n )的算法及其最长路径长度;除此之外,本文还证明当n -维交叉立方体中的故障簇个数不大于n - 1 ,其直径不大于1 ,故障顶点总数不超过2n - 3 ( n 2 )时,交叉立方体中任两个无故障顶点都至少有一条可靠路径。