Treating 72 cases of epigastralgia witn jian pi he wei tang 健脾和胃汤加味治疗胃脘痛72例
Objective to approach the diagnosis based on overall analysis of epigastralgia of traditional chinese medicine and relevant content of gastricmucosa growth inhibition 摘要目的探讨胃脘痛中医辨证分型与胃窦黏膜内生长抑素含量关系。
We report a 10 - year - old girl presenting with a sudden onset of epigastralgia after impact on the epigastrium by the edge of a wooden bed while playing on it 我们报告一个十岁的女童在一张木制的床上玩耍,不慎滑倒使得上腹部撞击到床角突出的柱子,之后,就产生了上腹部疼痛。