| 1. | It was a deeply emotional experience . 那还是一次激动人心的经历。 |
| 2. | He suffers a financial or an emotional blow . 他蒙受经济或感情上的打击。 |
| 3. | Her emotional appeal left him completely cold . 她虽动情,他却无动于衷。 |
| 4. | I feel too emotional to swallow anything . 心里不安宁,什么东西也咽不下。 |
| 5. | My emotional type is archaic . 我的这种感情类型已经陈旧过时了。 |
| 6. | She had a major emotional upset . 她情绪上受到了沉重的打击。 |
| 7. | Peter, you're too emotional on the subject . 彼得,对这件事你过于感情外露了。 |
| 8. | It turned out to be a strangely emotional composition . 这个谱子特别富于感情。 |
| 9. | She is embarrassingly emotional in public . 她在大庭广众前常激动得让人难为情。 |
| 10. | She has invested a lot of emotional energy in that business . 她为那事费尽心血。 |