The registers and players all use some kind of photocell , but what is more interesting from an einsteinian perspective is the red beam of coherent light they shoot 结帐柜?及随身听都用到某种型式的光电池,但是从爱因斯坦的观点来看,更有趣的是它们所射出来的红色同调光束。
By the time the higher elevations are reached , such strange notions as einsteinian curved space - time and the quantum uncertainty principle , heavy meals indeed , seem not so difficult to digest 当攀登到一定高度时,像爱因斯坦的时空卷曲论和量子不确定原理等概念就出现了;而这些难以咀嚼的食物也就变得不那么难于消化了。
This article examines three of the newest and most exciting einsteinian spin - offs emerging from research labs ; more such innovations will certainly follow in the years and decades to come 本文将检视三种由研究实验室中脱颖而出、最新也最令人兴奋的爱因斯坦副产品;当然更多这类的创新发明,在未来的几年到几十年间,也将源源不绝而来。
No one had bothered to dissect the brain of freud , stravinsky or joyce , but in the 1980s , bits of einsteinian gray matter were making the rounds of certain neurobiologists , who thus learned … absolutely nothing 没人费心去解剖弗洛伊德、斯特拉文斯基或乔伊斯的大脑,但在80年代,一些神经生物学家为搞清爱因斯坦的一些灰质大费周折,但最后一无所获。