He practiced the art of earthbound realism . 他实践生根于土壤的现实主义艺术。
Indeed the structures of flight vehicles are very flexible when compared with bridges, buildings, and earthbound machines . 实际上,与桥梁、建筑和地面上的机器相比,飞行器结构是非常灵活的。
An earthbound existence 世俗的生活方式
Beholders prefer inaccessible locations that earthbound foes can reach only with difficulty 眼魔喜欢住在陆行敌人难以达到和接近的敌方。
Well , i m earthbound , too , and you might imagine how difficult it was to implement such a thing , without any idea what a continuation is and what it should look like in python 由于这个新窗口对象是" file "选择项的实际下拉菜单,所以程序使用. box ( )方法围着它绘制了一个框架。
Alongside the ideal life , there s the necessities to think of , and the purest designs are earthbound , secured by threads which , ludicrous though they may be , are made of steel and cannot be easily snapped 除了这种理想生活,还有物质生活,最纯洁的决心都会有一些庸俗可笑但又是铁铸成的链索把它拴在这个地上,这些链索是不容易挣断的。
Tragedy contains them both , goes beyond both , illuminates both , but comes to no conclusion . tragedy could , it is true , be called pessimistic in its view of the evil in the universe as unremitting and irremediable , but the blight man was born for , the necessary condition of existence . it is pessimistic , also , in its view of the overwhelming proportion of evil to good and in its awareness of the mystery of why this should be - the " unfathomable element " in which ahab foundered . but it is optimistic in what might be called its vitalism , which is in some sense mystical , not earthbound ; in its faith in a cosmic good ; in its vision , however fleeting , of a world in which all questions could be answered 悲剧包含了乐观与悲观,超越了两者,反映了两者,但是并不最终指向任何一方.的确,悲剧可以被认为是悲观的,其原因在于它始终视世间的邪恶为永不止息和无法救赎的.然而那些悲剧人物却是人类存在之必然疾患的证明.它是悲观的,同时也在于它意识到在这世上恶相对于善是多么强势的存在,并且这一事实的不合理性也一直纠结在它心里.这一深不可测的迷惘导致了以色列国王亚哈的沉沦.然而,悲剧又是乐观的,因为其强大的生命力.这种在某种程度上神秘的,超乎世俗的生命力.它的乐观性在于其对宇宙本质之良善的信心,在于其即使短暂,却实在的,认为世间万种疑惑终将被解答的信念