She is an expert duelist and she managed to defeat sirius , sending him falling through the ancient archway in the death chamber 擅长决斗的她打败了小天狼星,后者因此倒进了死亡之厅古旧的拱门里,永远地消失在了帷幔后面。
She is an expert duelist and she managed to defeat sirius , sending him falling through the ancient archway in the death chamber 她擅长决斗,并且打败了小天狼星,后者因此倒进了死亡之厅古旧的拱门里,永远地消失在了帷幔后面。
Listen up . a true duelist doesn ' t back off from nobody cuz only cowards don ' t stand up to a challenge ! you betta come strong cuz it ' s time to duel 听着,真正的决斗者是绝不会退缩的,因为不敢面对挑战的只有懦夫!拿出真本事来和我决斗吧!
Listen up . a true duelist doesn ' t back off from nobody cuz only cowards don ' t stand up to a challenge ! you betta come strong cuz it ' s time to duel 听着,一个真正的斗士绝对不会后退的,只有懦夫才不敢面对挑战!你最好能变强一些因为是时侯进行决斗了!