Leonardo made quite a point of distrusting the knowledge that scholars professed so dogmatically . 雷钠德郑重宣布他不相信经院派学者奉为金科玉律的知识。
Dogmatically maintain that you know your partner ' s motives better than he or she does 武断地坚持你比伴侣更明白她自己的主张或动机。
You state dogmatically the latest facts which science has been able to establish only by e posteriori reasoning 你武断地提出的东西是科学靠演绎推理新近才确认的道理。
I often debate with evolutionists because i believe that they are narrow mindedly and dogmatically accepting evolution without questioning it 我经常和进化论者争辩,因为我认为他们思想狭隘,盲从进化论的教条而从不质疑。
Don t you see , the description which you have there has a singular resemblance to an honest man ? consul , remarked the detective , dogmatically , great robbers always resemble honest folks 照您收到的那份有关窃贼相貌特征的材料上说,他完全象一位正人君子,这一点您想过没有? ”
They sat on through the passing glory of the day , talking as lovers are prone to talk , marvelling at the wonder of love and at destiny that had flung them so strangely together , and dogmatically believing that they loved to a degree never attained by lovers before 两人继续坐着,望着辉煌的景色逐渐暗淡,谈着情人们总要絮叨的情话。他们对爱情的奇迹,对把他们俩那样离奇地撮合到一起的命运感到惊奇,而且武断地认为他俩爱情之深沉是任句情侣也赶不上的。
However , because the marxist theory of productivity was dogmatically oriented in the past , and with the development of modern knowledge and modern productivity , the traditional understanding of marxist productivity theory is confronted with more and more challenges . the weakness in western knowledge research and traditional theory of productivity leaves a wide room for us to make a deeper research into knowledge productivity 然而,一方面由于对马克思生产力理论的教条主义理解,另一方面由于现代知识和现代生产力的发展,对生产力的传统认识受到越来越多的挑战。西方知识研究和对生产力的传统认识所存在的缺憾为知识生产力的研究提供了广阔的空间。
In the first part of this paper , the central ideas of hegel ' s philosophy are reconstructed by analyzing such key concepts as " infinity " and " speculative reason . " instead of trying to establish a system of transcendent metaphysics dogmatically , hegel follows the spirit of kant ' s critical philosophy , aiming at a thorough examination and reflection of reason itself 总括而言,黑格尔的思辩哲学是要贯彻康德的批判哲学精神,对理性自身作出彻底的审查和反省,而并非独断地创建一套超越的形上学。