Dumbledore intended , next , to take a grand tour with elphias " dogbreath " doge , the dim - witted but devoted sidekick he had picked up at school 按照原定计划,他本打算毕业后和他在学校时结识的好友,绰号“狗喘”的埃非亚?多戈一起去进行一次伟大的旅行。 ”
The doge , his advisers and the admirals of the enetian navy were taking it in roms to peer through galileo ' s already improved telescope from the top of saint mark ' s cathedral 总督和他的顾问,以及威尼斯的海军将领们,一群人站在圣可大教堂的顶端,轮流用伽利略改良过的望远镜观看远方景物。
The doge ' s palace exemplifies the city ' s gothic architecture . the palace is home to the i piombi prison , from which swashbuckling libertine giacomo casanova made a daring escape in 1755 总督宫是威尼斯哥特式建筑的代表。严整华丽的宫殿用粉色和白色的大理石砌成。这里是威尼斯国家元首的官府,也是大议会和政府的所在地。
After breakfast , take the private boat to visit the heart of venice , st . mark square , the 950 years old st . mark basilica , see the outer portion of the lavish doges palace with the bridge of sighs finishing off our tour for a visit to the world famous murano glass factory 早餐后参观水都威尼斯,全市由一百一十六个小岛组成纵横交错的运河,和一幢幢古色古香雄伟雅致的教堂,长年浸在水中生青苔的老屋,好几世纪都静静地与碧空海水为伴。
Start our walking tour with english speaking guide to the 950 years old byzantine splendor of st . marks basilica , lavish doges palace , and the bridge of sighs , the grand and petite piazza of st . marco , and finishing off our tour for a visit to the world famous murano glass factory 早餐后参观威尼斯,全市由一百一十六个小岛组成纵横交错的运河,和一幢幢古色古香雄伟雅致的教堂中,以建于十一世纪拜占庭式的圣马可大教堂和大广场举世闻名。最后参观著名的威尼斯水晶玻璃工厂。