When these insects have to be disinfested , non - chemical means will be considered before resorting to pesticides 如需杀灭,本署会先考虑不用化学剂的方法,如有需要才使用除害剂。
When these insects have to be disinfested , non - chemical means will be considered before resorting to pesticides 如需杀灭,本署会先考虑不用化学剂的方法,如有需要才使用除害剂。
Pests and nuisance causing animals are disinfested judiciously to avoid unnecessary disturbance to the ecological system 本署会以审慎的方法消灭虫鼠及有害的动物,以免不必要地扰乱生态环境。
Pests and nuisance - causing animals are disinfested judiciously to avoid unnecessary disturbance to the ecological system 本署会以审慎的方法消灭虫鼠和有害的动物,以免不必要地扰乱生态环境。
Pests and nuisance causing animals are disinfested judiciously to avoid unnecessary disturbance to the ecological system . non - chemical prevention and control 本署会以审慎的方法消灭虫鼠及有害的动物,以免不必要地扰乱生态环境。
Pests and nuisance - causing animals are disinfested judiciously to avoid unnecessary disturbance to the ecological system . the control measures include a choice of physical , environmental , biological , legal or chemical methods 防治虫鼠的方法有很多种,包括物理、环境、生物、化学的方法或立例管制。