Always the purpose with detinue , although adopted beguiling method , also attribute civil dispute , do not answer with punish of crime of fraud 凡是以非法占有的目的,即使采取了欺骗的方法,也属于民事纠纷,不应以诈骗罪论处。
Bounds : the bounds of this blame and civil dispute over obligation ; behavior person is in subjective go up to whether have detinue the purpose of state - private property 界限:本罪与民事债务纠纷的界限;行为人在主观上是否有非法占有公私财物的目的。
Answer : point to it is a purpose with detinue , take state - private property amount secretly bigger , or for many times secret filch is state - private the behavior of property 答:指以非法占有为目的,秘密取公私财物数额较大,或者多次秘密窃取公私财物的行为。
The circumstance of bilk of your issue out of the question , bilk is to point to with dummy fact or the method that hide the fact , it is a purpose with detinue other belongings , executive a few behavior , state from you in light of , just get him due worth just , not be what bilk behavior 你的问题谈不到诈骗的情况,诈骗是指以虚构事实或隐瞒真相的方法,以非法占有他人财产为目的,实施的一些行为,从你表述来看,只是领自己应得的财产而已,不是什么诈骗行为。
Perhaps dismiss belongings of free use town enterprise , illegally to changing town enterprise droit , detinue illegally the town enterprise controller , act that violates a town enterprise to manage own advantageous position causes pecuniary loss to the town enterprise , behavior person or relevant section ought to be compensated for lawfully 对于非法改变乡镇企业所有权、非法占有或者无偿使用乡镇企业财产、非法撤换乡镇企业负责人、侵犯乡镇企业经营自主权的行为给乡镇企业造成经济损失的,行为人或相关部门应当依法赔偿。
If behavior person cheats content lending money to be used at prodigal illegal perhaps activity and cannot repay as scheduled , and of behavior of depend on zhang , this free returns ability and perhaps cheat content lending money , show behavior person has the objective of detinue , diddle property number is larger , ought to with punish of crime of fraud 假如行为人骗借钱物用于挥霍或者非法活动而不能如期偿还,并有赖账行为的,或者本无偿还能力而骗借钱物的,则表明行为人具有非法占有的目的,骗取财物数额较大的,应当以诈骗罪论处。