Mark twain was a determinist . yet he never ceased to scold the human race 马克?吐温是一个宿命论者。然而他从未停止谴责人类。
Many scholars believe that mcluhan treats technology is superior over human rationality , which means that technology decides the mode of human thoughts and behavior . and thus call him " technology determinist " 许多学者认为麦克卢汉把媒介技术置于人的理性之上,认为媒介技术决定着人们的思考方式和行为方式,并因此称他为“技术决定论”者。
The author reviews the development history of the " pure film " briefly , analyzes its constructions and contributions to the film art with the art media determinist theory . then analyzes the mistakes of the " pure film " with some natural scientific theories , finally , explores the main reasons for the " pure film " ' s coming to the end 摘要从理论渊源上说, “纯电影”理论与“上镜头性”理论有师承关系,同时在理论和实践上有其突破之处,对电影艺术发展有过历史贡献,但用自然科学的相关理论分析, “纯电影”理论与实践有一定的误区,这就决定了其最终不可避免地走向衰亡的命运。