The poor thing couldn t bear that : she grew white and red in rapid succession , and , while tears beaded her lashes , bent the strength of her small fingers to loosen the firm clutch of catherine ; and perceiving that as fast as she raised one finger off her arm another closed down , and she could not remove the whole together , she began to make use of her nails ; and their sharpness presently ornamented the detainer s with crescents of red 这个可怜的东西受不了这个,她脸上一阵红一阵白,同时眼泪盈眶,拚命用她的纤细的手指想把凯瑟琳的紧握的拳头扳开。而且看出来她才扳开她胳臂上的一个手指,另一个手指又把它抓住了,她不能把所有的手指一块扳开,她开始利用她的手指甲了。手指甲的锐利马上就在那扣留她的人的手上装饰上红红的月牙印子。