In comparison with the experimental results by deri , the calculation result is rather accurate 计算结果与已有实验结果符合较好。
Studies on the structure optimization of bis - schiff base deri ved from 4 - amino - antipyrine and 1 , 4 - benzenedialdehyde and spectra properties of the ligand with co 氨基安替比林缩对苯二甲醛双希夫碱的结构优化及其与钴离子作用的光谱研究
Cot1s i deri ng that t he exte ] - ioi - in t el - ference mai n1 y comes from t 11e sea fl o v l11elj i t i s un ( lel ' - i1 t el " , thi s nfr ) j { j1t i ; fi + lk , 7 : f } itft , ? } { t ! : i / cx pal7er veri fj ed t he st i ~ ol1g 1 ~ oi ) ust ness of th is fuxzy va1 - iilb1 e st l ' uctul ' c control method against the mode1 uncertainties and external disturhances , such as the variat ions of the sea current i s sdeed and direct ion , ancl it a1 so coinpared it se1f wi t . h the l > ji ) contl ~ o1 ler in comnlon use and the regu1ar variable structure contro11 er 论文分别讨论了潜器纵向,横向和航向三个子系统在不同条件下的控制问题,考虑到该潜器潜航时外界干扰主要来自海流,验证了模糊变结构控制方法对模型参数时变及海流速度、方向变化的强鲁棒性,同时将该控制器跟实际工程中常用的pid控制器和常规的变结构控制器的控制效果进行比较,并结合实际情况,将该控制器同纵倾调节相结合进行控制以更好地满足实际工程的需要。