| 1. | Follicle dehiscent ; mature carpels rostrate spine at base 成熟心皮基部具喙状刺。 |
| 2. | Follicle dehiscent ; mature carpels tappering to the base , apex papillate 果开裂,成熟心皮向基部变狭,上部多疣。 |
| 3. | Capsule globose , 6 cm in diam . , wrapped with persistent calyx , dehiscent in 5 valves 蒴果球形,直径6厘米,有宿萼包裹, 5爿裂开。 |
| 4. | Sori 1 - 5 pairs borne on the lower surface of ultimate lobes at the end of basal veins ; indusium dehiscent in two equal halves when mature 孢子囊群1 - 5对,生于末回裂片下面近基部小脉顶端;囊群盖成熟时对开2裂。 |
| 5. | Follicle a dry dehiscent fruit formed from one carpel that splits along one edge to release its seed , for example delphinium fruit ?荚果:由单心皮形成,并沿心皮的一缝开裂释放种子的一种开裂干果。如飞燕草的果实。 |
| 6. | In this paper , a case of dehiscent jugular bulb presenting as an asymptomatic retrotympanic bluish mass in the right ear of a 49 - year - old male is reported 本文报告一49岁男性,在例行健康检查时,发现右耳鼓膜后面,锤骨柄下方有一半球形暗黑色肿块。 |
| 7. | Cherry , with popular fragrance and taste , is the earliest spring fruit . but cherry has small fruit , large stone , thin flesh and is easy to produce dehiscent fruit 樱桃是一年中最早上市的水果(木本) ,填补了春淡水果市场,而且风味和色泽深受人们喜爱。 |