I judged it so much the more necessary to extract the real truth, with the assistance of torture, from two female slaves, called deaconesses . 当时有两名被人称为女执事的奴隶,我觉得极有必要用刑罚逼她们供出真情。
One group of researchers was from beth israel deaconess medical center in boston , massachusetts8 研究小组来自马萨诸塞州波士顿贝斯雅各医疗中心。
They were not deaconesses , nor were they what we call today sisters of mercy or sisters superior 他们不是女执事,也不是我们今天认为的仁慈姐妹或姐妹长者。
Ebenezer school home for the visually impaired was founded by hildesheimer blindenmission in 1897 . deaconesses were sent from germany to spread the gospel . christian ministry is now still partly funded by donations from hildesheimer blindenmission 心光盲人院暨学校是由德国基督教喜迪堪协会于1897年创办的,起初由德国差会派宣教士到中国传福音,由德国基督教信徒奉献支持,发展至现在福音事工部仍然由德国差会资助。