| 1. | Effects of daylength and temperature on the spike differentiation of winter wheat 光温生态因子对冬小麦幼穗分化的影响研究 |
| 2. | Plants treated with daylengths not longer than 15h flowered earlier with the shortening of the daylength . plants flowered earliest when treated with 8h light / d 在8h光照16h黑暗处理条件下,毕氏海蓬子开花所需之临界光周期数为13 ; 3 |
| 3. | All above indicates that short daylength promoted flowering in salicornia bigelovii torr . . on the contrary , long daylength inhibited both its floral induction and development of post - flowering 毕氏海蓬子的花器官发育具有与诱导同样的光周期要求,均为短日照,属于kniet分类中的第一种类型。 |
| 4. | Seedlings were treated with different daylengths and with different numbers of photoperiods . the results showed that treatments with short day - lengths promoted its flowering and the critical daylength is 15h 不同日照长度处理:对毕氏海蓬子植株分别施以每天光照6h ? 16h ,间隔为1h的不同日照长度处理,从而确定其临界日长; 2 |
| 5. | Both the floral inducti on and the development of flower organ in salicornia bigelovii torr . needed short daylength . the flowering reversion is maybe in relation to the insufficient quality of flowering substances and the flowering habit of salicornia bigelovii torr . 毕氏海蓬子的成花逆转现象可能与植株体内开花刺激物数华氏蛤么谷升龙的允用们技寇的研充量和植物的开花习性有关。 |
| 6. | The promotion effects is stronger with the increase of number of photoperiods , which suggests that the flowering process in salicornia bigelovii torr . is not a " all or none " process . treated with 13 - 18 photoperiods and then transposed to long - daylength ( 17h light / d ) , some of the inflorescences of the plants reversed to vegetative condition , which means flowering reversion occurred ( which belongs to inflorescence reversion type ) 毕氏海蓬子开花的临界日长为15小时,济南地区最大昼长在6月23日,为14小时40分,并没有超过其临界日长,但处于自然日照条件下的毕氏海蓬子直至7月25日才形成花序,在此之前一直处于营养生长状态,可能这个阶段是成花物质积累的阶段,当成花物质数量积累足够多时,才可促进花序形成和导致开花。 |