A analysis on status qua of age structure of daur population 达斡尔族人口年龄结构现状分析
This guy ' s not a han , but a daur 这家伙不是汉族,是达斡尔。
Bukui was a chief of daur in qing dynasty , whose name was widely used 摘要清代达斡尔首领卜魁拥有一个应用广泛的名字。
The daur nationality is one of the minority nationalities in the north of our country 摘要达斡尔族是我国北方的少数民族之一。
This article comparatively particularly expatiates on a series of grogram of the daur marriage 摘要本文比较详细地阐释了达斡尔族男婚女嫁的一系列程序。
At the association with the man , han and daur , the social economy of the nen river valley ewenki was developed quickly 在与满族、汉族及达翰尔族等的交过程中,嫩江流域鄂温克族的社会经济也得到了较快的发展。
The daur people created their own special material civilization and spirit civilization , among which the daur art is an important part 摘要达斡尔族人民创造了自己特有的物质文明和精神文明,达斡尔族艺术是其中重要的组成部分。
For the urban boys and all girls , the somatotype are similar to mongolian , daur , and hungarian at the most age groups 成年男性与蒙古族、加拿大及美国东部、中西部人群相类似;女性与蒙古族、鄂伦春族、鄂温克族、达斡尔族较为相似。
Many fields reflected the ethnic aesthetic orientation of the daur nationality such as in music , dance , instrumental music , folk vocal art forms , arts and crafts , plastic arts , etc 在音乐、舞蹈、器乐、曲艺、工艺美术,造型艺术等诸多领域无不反映着达斡尔族的民族审美价值取向。