John armstrong ( dataquest ) : “ internet 2 will revolutionize the internet as we know today 约翰.阿姆斯特朗: “互联网2将会更新现有的互联网。
The codewarrior compiler and debugger are ranked 1 in usage among commercially available embedded software development tools according to a gartner dataquest report 编译器和调试器在商用嵌入式软件开发工具的使用率方面排名第一。而这只是流行的
Market researcher yankee group says that china will become the world s largest cdma market with 55 million subscribers while gartner dataquest forecasts the prc mobile handset market will grow from the 50 million units in 2001 to 85 million units by the year 2005 据市场研究机构yankeegroup称,中国将成为全球最大的cdma市场,用户人数将达五千五百万; gartnerdataquest亦预期中国市场的手机数目将由二零零一年的五千万部增加至二零零五年的八千五百万部。