| 1. | At the beginning of february , jerusha wrote a letter to daddy - long - legs 二月初的时候,洁茹写了一封信给长腿叔叔。 |
| 2. | After the " hat incident , " jerusha and daddy - long - legs seemed even closer to one another 经过了帽子事件,洁茹和长腿叔叔之间彷佛又更亲近了。 |
| 3. | The night before setting out , jerusha received daddy - long - legs christmas present ? it was a check 出发前夕,洁茹收到来自长腿叔叔的耶诞礼物?是一张支票。 |
| 4. | After sending out that letter of reconciliation , jerusha once again began to gossip to daddy - long - legs about everyday things and to confide in him 寄出那封和好信之后,洁茹又开始恢复和长腿叔叔闲话家常以及谈心了。 |
| 5. | In the three months of summer break , jerusha wrote a great many letters to daddy - long - legs vividly describing every detail of her happy farm life 在三个月的暑假中,洁茹写了很多信给长腿叔叔,用生动、快乐的语气诉说农庄生活的点点滴滴。 |
| 6. | After all , daddy - long - legs was just like her family , and so using part of the loving gift that her family had sent her was something that made her very happy 毕竟,长腿叔叔就像是她的家人一般,享用来自家人充满爱心的礼物实在是一件快乐的事。 |
| 7. | A few days later , a letter from daddy - long - legs ' secretary arrived explaining that mr . smith still hoped that jerusha would not so easily accept the charity of a stranger 几天之后,长腿叔叔的秘书又来信了,表示史密斯先生仍然希望洁茹不要随便接受陌生人的恩惠。 |
| 8. | A great deal happened in her life at the farm and jerusha shared all of this with daddy - long - legs , including the sudden arrival of an unexpected visitor ? jervis pendleton 农庄生活仍然有许多新鲜有趣的事,洁茹都一一在信中与长腿叔叔分享;包括八月中,洛克威勒农庄突然来了一位意外的访客? ?杰夫?平莱顿先生! |
| 9. | When looking at jervis pendleton , jerusha suddenly thought to herself , " daddy - long - legs was probably just like this 20 years ago . . . " because mr . pendleton was quite tall and his legs were very long 望着杰夫?平莱顿先生,洁茹还突发奇想:长腿叔叔二十年前大概也就是这个样子吧?因为平莱顿先生也很高,腿也很长。 |
| 10. | After returning from new york , jerusha wrote daddy - long - legs a very long letter excitedly telling him of all of the different things she had seen and heard there , including when the three girls when shopping for hats 从纽约回来以后,洁茹写了一封很长的信,带著兴奋的口气,向长腿叔叔叙述在纽约的种种见闻,包括她们一起去买帽子的情形。 |