It includes kitchen and parlour , generally ; but i believe at wuthering heights the kitchen is forced to retreat altogether into another quarter : at least i distinguished a chatter of tongues , and a clatter of culinary utensils , deep within ; and i observed no signs of roasting , boiling , or baking , about the huge fireplace ; nor any glitter of copper saucepans and tin cullenders on the walls 一般所谓屋子是把厨房和大厅都包括在内的但是我认为在呼啸山庄里,厨房是被迫撤退到另一个角落里去了至少我辨别出在顶里面有喋喋的说话声和厨房用具的磕碰声而且在大壁炉里我并没看出烧煮或烘烤食物的痕迹,墙上也没有铜锅和锡滤锅之类在闪闪发光。