An oval shaped bar table is built on the marble tile floor corresponsively 一盏愧丽的水晶吊灯在店中浮游著?高贵气派已叫人平静身心?大增食欲。
The factors for influencing development of world fishing vessels are fishing quantity of ocean , situation of fish resources fishery cultivation , convention of ocean law united nations and protect policy of resources for every country , because of variation of these factors , the quantity kinds , dimension for fishing vessels and fishing technique etc being adjusted corresponsively for problems which is in the present stage for development of fishing vessels corresponsive methods and the measures are suggested 摘要认为影响世界渔船发展的因素是海洋扑捞量、鱼类资源情况、渔业养殖业、联合国“海洋法公约”及各国资源保护政策等;这些因素的变化必然导致渔船在数量、种类、尺度及扑捞技术等方面做出相应的调整;针对现阶段我国渔船发展所面临的问题,给出相应的对策和具体的具体措施。