Fostering and development of civil organizations in corporatism perspective 合作主义模式下民间组织的培育和发展
From the analysis , we may agree that , the competitive corporatism may be a relatively appropriate and practicable choice for china at present 结合中国社会治理之传统与现状,分析治理与公共权力的历史变迁趋势,我们悟出,竞争一一刍作主义当为目前一种较为可行的价值选择。
This article , from the viewpoint of corporatism , makes a comparative study of the characteristics of corporatism and the chinese actualities and reveals the discrepancies between the rise of corporatism and china ' s status quo 本文从法团主义的视角出发,立足于中国的现实,对比法团主义的特征,揭示了中国现状与法团主义发展背景的差异。
As one of the new western theoretical modes introduced to explain the nation - society relationship , corporatism has become a mode fit for the present nation - society relationship in china and highly valued in the academe , for it goes beyond concepts of nation - society separation as proposed by nationalism and increases the power of the two sides 摘要法团主义作为一种由西方引人的新型的对国家与社会关系理论的解释模型,以其实现国家与社会相互增权的主张,形成了对国家主义、多元主义等主张国家与社会二元分立模型的超越,是当前我国学术界呼声较高的适应于中国现状的国家与社会的关系模型。
This empirical study is a stage achievement of an on - going project ( no . 03bzz025 ) chaired by dr . kang zhao and funded by the social science foundation of china , which aims at investigating and improving the operations of management consulting associations in china . the research starts from constructing a theoretical framework of investigation according to theories of non - profit organization , trade cost , corporatism and governance . following on , 5 consulting associations amcf , imc , mca , icmci , feaco are chosen for cases in studying 本研究系赵康教授主持的国家社会科学基金项目( “发展中国的管理咨询行业/专业:一个行业/专业协会层面的理论和实证研究” , 03bzz025 )子课题之一,旨在从非营利组织、新经济制度学、公民社会、社会专业化运动等相关理论视角来建构与实证考察欧美管理咨询业协会,透视其功能和内部的运行机制。
Them , the thesis has chosen three china ' s cases as object of study , corporatism and social resource theory as theoretical perspective , and the function of npo integrating social welfare resources as the point of study to research the mechanism of npo integrating social welfare resources , the factors which bring down its effects , the motive power of the development of npo in social welfare field . then , the conclusion comes into being : the instituting and running of a npo which has specific object is a effective mechanism to integrate social welfare resources ; in practice , npo can integrate social welfare resources by instituting former and informer social network ; the factors which bring down its effects include policy and themselves ; and there is several kind of power which can motive the development of npo in social welfare field 本文选取了在发展程度上呈梯次性的中国三个个案为研究对象,以合作主义和社会资源理论为理论视角,以非营利组织对社会福利资源的整合功能为切入点,探讨了非营利组织整合社会福利资源的机制、其效果的制约性因素、以及在社会福利领域推动非营利组织发展的动力,认为定位明确的非营利组织的成立与运营为社会福利资源的整合提供了一条可供选择的有效的途径,发现在实践中非营利组织可利用正式的和非正式的两种网络建构来开发整合社会福利资源,而现阶段其整合效果受到政策环境和自身能力等因素的制约,推动非营利组织发展与能力健全的力量源泉主要来自需求推动、政策推动、专业知识推动和国际交往推动。
The present management system of trade promotion association was in the same phase with the state field retreating from market field and society field , which was a typical corporatism led by state . however , this management system could not meet the self - demand in the market field 行业协会所组成领域的变迁趋势是,自上而下型行业协会加强行业自治职能,向着独立运作的行业协会转变,立足市场,立足行业,逐渐由国家领域进入社会领域,成为现代行业管理体系的重要组成部分;自发型行业协会将进一步发展壮大。