" cori looked around and said the bedroom was all messed up . 科莉走出客厅仔细查看了一番,然后告诉我卧室已经不见了。 ”
R . cori & d . lascar : mathematical logic ? a course with exercises , part i . oxford university press , 2001 陈慕泽余俊伟:数理逻辑基础? ?一阶逻辑与一阶理论,中国人民大学出版社2003 。
" there was a big noise , and i was puzzled , " batiste said . " cori looked around and said the bedroom was all me ed up . 巴蒂斯特说: “当时先是出现了一声巨响,然后我就感到一片茫然。科莉走出客厅仔细查看了一番,然后告诉我卧室已经不见了。 ”
Performers of the historic " sbandieratori dei rioni di cori " flag - throwers of cori , italy display their flag - throwing skills that date back to the middle ages 27 01 2006来自意大利的花式舞旗手率先向传媒施展浑身解数,他们的舞旗绝艺原来可追溯远至中世纪!
Cori morgan , 7 , and her sister , shadia , 3 , had left their bedroom for the living room just before the 4 : 30 a . m . crash , said cerrisa moore , whose mother owns the house 当时她们离开了平时睡觉的双人床跑到另外一间房子里去玩耍,结果仅过了不到半个小时,这间卧室便被一辆飞驰而来的牵引式卡车夷为平地。