| 1. | Misers thrive on money and contempt . 金钱和鄙薄,才是守财奴的养料。 |
| 2. | Many divines treat them with contempt . 有些神学家根本就看不起他们。 |
| 3. | The words rang out on a note of contempt . 话语中带有轻蔑的口吻。 |
| 4. | Familiarity breeds contempt . 对一个过份熟稔的人会产生轻视之心。 |
| 5. | The lazybones are always held in contempt . 懒汉总叫人看不起。 |
| 6. | He waved his hand slowly in contempt . 他轻悠悠一挥手,一副不屑一提的样子。 |
| 7. | They showed nothing but contempt for him . 他们对他轻蔑已极。 |
| 8. | The contempt sweated out of us . 我们热得也没心挖苦别人了。 |
| 9. | You are both in contempt of court, both of you ! 你们两人都一样,都目无法庭! |
| 10. | Amelia held him in utter contempt . 爱米丽亚根本看不起他。 |