| 1. | Throughout the early hours the battle raged confusedly . 最初几个小时是一场猛烈的混战。 |
| 2. | I fell, to the ground before her, babbling confusedly in my terror . 我吓得瘫倒在她面前,语无伦次地嗫嚅起来。 |
| 3. | She confusedly realised this reversal of her attitudes, but could not make out what it portended . 她糊里糊涂的意识到自己这种相反的态度,但是不知道它会带来什么。 |
| 4. | He stammered confusedly and took himself away, for the moment abstracted, serious, lost in thought . 他狼狈不堪,结结巴巴的说了几句,就告辞去了,一时心情恍惚,一本正经,想得出神。 |
| 5. | Dyke, at last alone and driving his team out of the town, turned the business confusedly over in his mind from end to end . 后来,戴克独个儿驾着大车出城,把这番事糊里糊涂地在脑子里翻来复去、从头到尾地思量。 |
| 6. | He moved nervously about , while carrie looked at him confusedly 他紧张不安地在屋里走来走去。 |
| 7. | The part that was removed was left confusedly . a back electric engine is ed17 class Ed17型是从1923年到1925年于英国english electric机厂制造。 |
| 8. | " my engagements at present , " replied willoughby confusedly , " are of such a nature . “我目前的义务, ”威洛比狼狈地回答, “是这样一种性质的。 ” |
| 9. | The force of the core is a machine of inevitability , of change , vanishing and blending confusedly 它核心之能量是一个必然性及变革的机器,消灭着及混乱地掺杂着。 |
| 10. | Queen augusta wrote him an hysterical letter in which she confusedly sympathised with him 奥古斯塔皇后给他写了一封非常狂热的信,信中胡乱地向他表示了极大的同情。 |