Mr allfours : the answer is in the negative . mr cowe conacre : has the right honourable gentleman s famous mitchelstown telegram inspired the policy of gentlemen on the treasury bench ? o 考维科纳克勒先生:内阁大臣们的政策是否受到了阁下那封著名的米切尔斯镇电报265的启发呢,一片噢噢声。
Mr cowe conacre multifarnham . nat : arising out of the question of my honourable friend , the member for shillelagh , may i ask the right honourable gentleman whether the government has issued orders that these animals shall be slaughtered though no medical evidence is forthcoming as to their pathological condition ? mr allfours tamoshant :关于希利拉格262选区的议员-尊敬的朋友提出的问题,请允许我向阁下质问一下:政府是否已下令,即便从医学上对这些动物的病理状态提不出任何证据,也要一律予以屠宰呢?