Cochin shipyard ltd . dalian marine diesel works 渤海船舶重工有限责任公司
" and m . de monte cristo , king of china , emperor of cochin - china , " said the young imp , looking slyly towards his sister “这位就是基督山伯爵阁下,中国国王,安南皇帝。 ”那小顽童狡猾地望着她姐姐说道。
If this was an american craft , we should blow up , perhaps , but we should at all events go fction of steam and sail the vessel made rapid progress along the coasts of anam and cochin china 可是半岛公司的船,从加尔各答号高丽号,一直到仰光号,只要浸入海水的重量达到船身重量的六分之一,船身就会沉入海底。
She handled their crops , and knew what they had eaten , and if too little or too much ; her face enacting a vivid pantomime of the criticisms passing in her mind . the birds that the two girls had brought in were duly returned to the yard , and the process was repeated till all the pet cocks and hens had been submitted to the old woman - hamburghs , bantams , cochins , brahmas , dorkings , and such other sorts as were in fashion just then - her perception of each visitor being seldom at fault as she received the bird upon her knees 两个姑娘把带来的鸡一只只送回院子,不断重复着带来送去的程序,一只又一只地把老夫人所宠爱的公鸡和母鸡送到她的面前如汉堡鸡短脚鸡交趾鸡印度大种鸡多津鸡,还有其它一些当时流行的各种各样的鸡当每只鸡放到老夫人的膝上时,她都能认出来,而且几乎没有认错的。
Your offer , however , smooths all difficulties , and i have only to ask you , my dear m . de morcerf " these words were accompanied by a most peculiar smile , " whether you undertake , upon my arrival in france , to open to me the doors of that fashionable world of which i know no more than a huron or a native of cochin - china ? 这样吧,我亲爱的马尔塞夫先生这几个字是带着一个极古怪的微笑说的,我一到法国,就由您负责为我打开那个时髦社会的大门,因为我对于那个地方,象对印第安人或印度支那人一样知之甚少。 ”