In conclusion , the 2004 chungju world martial arts festival was a meaningful opportunity to share the quan yin method and the benefits of vegetarianism with many residents of chungbuk province 透过此次世界武术节活动的叁与,我们有机会与忠北省的民众分享素食理念与观音法门的讯息。
As the festival came to a close , several chungju city officials visited the initiates and said the booths operated by the supreme master ching hai international association had received much attention and interest , and thus the association was invited to participate in next years festival . the officials then added , we greatly appreciate your efforts in contributing to the success of the event 活动接近尾声时,忠州市的市府人员前来叁观我们的摊位,夸赞世界会所设立的三个摊位在大会中抢尽风头,深受来宾青睐,他们除了邀请同修叁加下一届武术节之外,并特别致上谢意:由于你们的叁与贡献,使得这次武术节活动能够办得这么成功。