Electrochemical characterization on the interaction between chlorpheniramine and - cyclodextrin 环糊精相互作用的电化学表征
The former product contained two western drug ingredients prednisolone and chlorpheniramine 前者含有氢化泼尼松及氯苯那敏。
Diazepam and chlorpheniramine can cause drowsiness and dizziness . morphine and codeine can cause constipation , drowsiness , nausea and vomiting . clenbuterol can cause tremor , restlessness and headache 安定及氯苯那敏可引起昏睡及晕眩,吗啡及可待因可引致便秘、昏睡、作呕及呕吐,克仑特罗可引致发抖、不安及头痛。
Chlorpheniramine is used to relieve allergy but can cause drowsiness and dizziness . the appeal followed an investigation into a case involving a 58 - year - old man who was admitted to the queen elizabeth hospital on may 19 for drowsiness , agitation and disorientation . he has now recovered ?生署是在跟进一名58岁男子于5月19日因昏睡、烦燥及神智迷乱而入住伊利沙伯医院的个案后,作出上述呼吁,该名男子现已康复。
The five ingredients , diazepam , chlorpheniramine , morphine , codeine and clenbuterol are prescription - only drugs and they should only be used under medical supervision . diazepam is a tranquilizer , chlorpheniramine is used to relief allergy , morphine is a pain killer , codeine is a cough suppressant and clenbuterol is used to relief asthma 该产品所含的五种西药成份安定、氯苯那敏、吗啡、可待因及克仑特罗属医生处方药物,必须在医生监察下使用。