Bring in our chippendale chair . would you like a bite of something 把咱们的奇彭代尔39式椅子端过来。
Douglas : it ' s good marketing sense ! i ' ll use chippendale dancers if i thought i could get away with it 道格拉斯:这叫好的行销概念!要是能不受罚,我还想请猛男舞者来呢!
Certainly the artisans who crafted the ornament atop a chippendale mirror never imagined it as the pattern for the termination of an 80 - story edifice (当然,当初为奇彭代尔式镜子顶端做装饰的工匠决想不到它会成为一个80层大厦顶端的造型) 。
Chippendale - style slant - front secretary bookcase inlaid with the initials jfk and a version of the united states seal sold for $ 452 , 000 一款齐本德尔式风格的正面倾斜的写字台式书架以45 . 2万美元的价格卖出,这件家具上镶嵌着肯尼迪姓名的首字母缩写jfk和一款美国图章。
A chippendale - style slant - front secretary bookcase inlaid with the initials jfk and a version of the united states seal sold for $ 452 , 000 一款齐本德尔式风格的正面倾斜的写字台式书架以45 . 2万美元的价格卖出,这件家具上镶嵌着肯尼迪姓名的首字母缩写jfk和一款美国图章。
Furniture by chippendale and sheraton , paintings by gainsborough , holbein , reynolds and rubens , ancient greek and roman statuary and exquisite porcelain and china are all on view inside the house 赫伍德城堡建于1699年,他拥有数目庞大,种类多样的藏品,包括家具,画作,瓷器和雕塑。