短语和例子 chappy1 n. 〔口语〕 1.花花公子。 2. 家伙,小伙子。 adj. 皲裂的。
Example Sentences:
If it isn ' t unhappy chappy . - going somewhere 如果没有不高兴的海皮就更好了-去什么地方吗
The research director of one of the world ' s largest hedge funds talks of a “ happy - chappy ” environment in which mainstream investment funds and hedge funds have pursued the same strategies recently , jumping from bonds to equities and then to currencies and on to emerging markets 世界最大的一个对冲基金的研究主管称,最近是一个“乐不思蜀”的氛围,主流基金和对冲基金都采取同样的策略:从债券市场跳到股票市场,然后转向外汇市场,再转向新兴市场。