n. 1.(迷信说法中被仙女)偷换后留下的丑孩子,矮小丑陋的人[动物]。 2.〔古语〕低能儿。 3.〔古语〕见异思迁的人;不忠实的人,变节者。 4.(集邮)颜色起化学变化的邮票。
Example Sentences:
They are called cherubs by the rest of changeling society 它们被低能级社会称为天使。
I moved among them on the frozen liffey , that i , a changeling , among the spluttering resin fires 我,一个习性无常的人,被松脂噼啪作响的火把映照着。
You mocking changeling - fairy - born and human - bred ! you make me feel as i have not felt these twelve months “你这个爱嘲弄人的丑仙童一算你是仙女生,凡人养的!
It is for this reason that they have come down from their mountains and rejoined changeling society in large numbers 由于这个原因,它们已经开始从它们的山地上下来重新加入为数众多的低能级社会里来。
And that minx , catherine linton , or earnshaw , or however she was called - she must have been a changeling - wicked little soul 还有那个疯丫头,凯瑟琳林敦,或是恩萧,不管她姓什么吧她一定是个容易变心的恶毒的小灵魂!
After china ' s entry into the world trade organization ( wto ) , the enterprises in china must adapt the opportunities and changelings which are caused by the entry 中国的企业要适应加入wto之后所面临的机遇和挑战,及时化解、及早防范财务失败的风险是高层管理者必须考虑的财务战略问题。
He continued to send for me punctually the moment the clock struck seven ; though when i appeared before him now , he had no such honeyed terms as love and darling on his lips : the best words at my service were provoking puppet , malicious elf , sprite , changeling , etc 他仍然那么钟一敲七点便准时把我叫去,不过在他跟前时,他不再满嘴“亲爱的” “恶毒的精灵” “宝贝儿”那样的甜蜜称呼了。用在我身上最好的字眼是“令人恼火的木偶” “小妖精” “小傻瓜”等等。