| 1. | Universal second - order voltage - mode filter based on cfa 的通用二阶电压模式滤波器 |
| 2. | Cfa ruling on the national and regional flags 终审法院就国旗及区旗所作裁决 |
| 3. | Cfa algorithm : a conwip flowshop sequencing algorithm 环境下流水型生产系统排序启发式算法 |
| 4. | Term of non - permanent cfa judge extended 终审法院非常任法官任期延续 |
| 5. | Cfa has refused to grant leave to the appeal 终审法院拒绝上诉许可 |
| 6. | The cfa ' s operations are subject to little public scrutiny 中国足切的运作很少受到公众的监督。 |
| 7. | Impact of a cfa ruling on the employee compensation mechanism 终审法院的判决对雇员补偿机制的影响 |
| 8. | Interface : conform to cfa specification 接口:符合cfa规格要求 |
| 9. | The cfa judgment of 9 january 2004 2004年1月9日终审法院的判词 |
| 10. | Impact of cfa s judgement on wan chai north reclamation scheme 终审法院的判决对湾仔北填海计划的影响 |