| 1. | In the span of one year , introduce at least one non - catholic to catechumenate class 一年内至少介绍一位尚未接受信仰的人参加慕道班。 |
| 2. | The diocesan catechetical commission should periodically conduct an overall review of the syllabus , the content and format of the catechumenate and establish a system of assessing catechists 教区教理委员会应定期检讨慕道班的授课范围内容和形式,及制定评估导师的机制。 |
| 3. | It is a time of great joy for them , for their teachers in the catechumenate and for the whole church as we once again experience the redemptive effects of the passion of the lord 在逾越庆典里,这么多位的兄弟姊妹领受出死入生的圣事,加入教会的大家庭,为他们为慕道班的导师为整个教会是盛大喜事。 |
| 4. | It is a time of great joy for them , for their teachers in the catechumenate and for the whole church as we once again experience the redemptive effects of the passion of the lord 在逾越庆典里,这么多位的兄弟姊妹领受出死入生的圣事,加入教会的大家庭,为他们、为慕道班的导师、为整个教会是盛大喜事。 |
| 5. | Diversified channels should be available to enable people to be aware of god at an initial stage , serving as the means to learn about catholic faith before attending the catechumenate class 提供多元化途径让人初步认识天主,作为参加慕道班前认识天主教信仰的方式。教会该支援及肯定这些认识天主教的途径。 |
| 6. | Schools should consider organizing the catechumenate class , providing the opportunity for students to learn about the catholic faith . they should also introduce to students and parents resources on the catholic faith provided by the church 学校应考虑设有慕道班,为学生提供认识信仰的机会,并向学生及家长介绍教会内有关天主教的各种资源。 |
| 7. | Catechumenate classes in the parish should pay special attention to the formation of the catechumens in their evangelical mission , and to provide the catechumens with an opportunity to evangelize even before their baptism . in this way , they will become evangelizers after baptism 堂区的慕道班应特别著重福传使命的培育,使慕道者在慕道期间已有机会实习传福音的工作,使他们在领洗后成为福传者。 |
| 8. | The relationship and communication between the parish and the catechumenate should be strengthened , e . g . members of pastoral team or parish pastoral council should visit the catechumenate periodically , and share the recent development of the parish , invite catechumens to take part in parish activities and to conduct home visits to the catechumens etc . parish priests are encouraged to be visiting speakers in the catechumenate , as to have more contacts with the catechumens 堂区和慕道团应加强彼此间的关系和沟通,如堂区牧职人员或牧民议会成员定期探访,介绍堂区近况邀请慕道者参加堂区活动及为慕道者进行家访等,堂区神父更好担任慕道团的成员,以便多与导师及慕道者接触。 |
| 9. | As part of the catechumenate , the sponsors on the one hand cooperate with catechists , thence lessening their work load ; on the other hand , it could be an occasion of catechism review for the sponsors , so that in future these will become potential catechists , and can assist in the follow up of small communities of faith formed by the newly baptized 作为慕道团一分子,陪谈员一方面可以和慕道团导师合作,减轻导师工作量另一方面,也可为陪谈员提供再慕道培育的机会,他们日后更可成为慕道团导师的人选,并协助跟进新教友组成的信仰小团体。 |