It will be in the style of catechesis , one topic each month 每周一问,以中国文化
It will be in the style of catechesis , one topic each month 内容将采问答方式,每周一问
At different levels , the laity should be helped to acquire a habit of reading religious publications especially the church document , e . g . during the period of catechesis , catechumens would be required to produce reports either oral or written of religious books of their own choice and to share them with other catechumens . institutions and groups of formation and publications should periodically recommend good religious books to the faithful 从不同层面培育教友阅读宗教书籍,尤其是教会文献,例如在慕道期,要求慕道者挑选宗教书籍作读书报告口头或书写,然后和其他慕道者分享有关培育及出版团体定期为教友推荐信仰好书每年由教友推选十本好书在堂区成立读书小组,并邀请出版机构举办书展或新书推介活动等。
Parishes should organize further catechesis renewal courses for the faithful regularly . appropriate speakers can be invited , e . g . pastoral team members , parishioners graduate from the institute of theology , philosophy and religious sciences of the holy spirit seminary college or biblical institute , catechists of the parish or staff members of formation institute of the diocese , so as to enable the faithful to review systematically the relationship between daily life and the bible , liturgy , morals and catechism 堂区应定期为教友举办再慕道培育,可以邀请合适的讲者,如堂区牧职人员圣神修院神哲学院各学部哲学部神学部及宗教学部或圣经学院毕业的堂区教友堂区慕道班导师或教区有关培育机构的干事,让教友有系统地重温圣经礼仪伦理要理和生活的关系。
In the process of catechesis , catechumens should be helped to be aware of and to experience small communities of faith , and catechists should encourage them to take part in small christian communities of the parish after baptism , to meet regularly , to share in the word , and live up to one s faith in daily life and face its challenges 在慕道的过程中,应培育慕道者对信仰小团体的意识和经验,并鼓励他们于领洗后加入堂区的信仰小团体,定时相聚,分享圣言,将信仰配合于生活经验和挑战中,或由新教友组成新的信仰小团体,延续在慕道过程中的经验和成长。
The content can be either a further catechesis in a brief and condensed manner , or an explanation of the different elements of the liturgy , or the meaning of the day s readings . on the other hand , in some special sundays , we can let the faithful share their testimony of the word in a formal manner , e . g . families could do so on the feast of the holy family , teachers on the education sunday , workers on the labor sunday etc . it may be better if those giving testimonies are parishioners , and they should have been well prepared 适当地善用最多人参与的礼仪主日感恩祭来推行培育,在不影响礼仪整体性的原则下,加添信仰培育的因素,例如在领圣体后或在感恩祭开始前,向教友提供简短的培育,内容可以是浓缩的教理重温感恩祭中各部分的意义当日圣经章节的意义等另一方面,在一些特别主日安排教友证道,如安排家庭在圣家节,教师在教育日,工友在劳动节等作证道,证道的教友最好是本堂区的教友,要预备充足,将当日的圣经选读消化,并用自己的生活印证,神父适宜在证道后,作简单总结。