Lots of priests hang up their cassocks and marry 很多牧师都退出他们的教职去结婚
Their right shoulders are bared with a cassock over the left shoulder 三世佛身后均雕刻背光,其做工精细。
As the doctors entered the street , they saw a man in a cassock standing on the threshold of the next door . " this is the abb 当两位医生走到街上的时候,他们注意到一个穿法衣的人站在隔壁的房门口。
" remember , " answered the abb calmly , as he replaced the jewel and its case in the pocket of his cassock , " it is your fault , not mine , that i do so “要记住, ”教士一面回答,一面把宝石连盒子一起都放进了他的衣服口袋里, “我这样去做,可是您的错,不关我事。
The tunic soon disappeared under a long cassock , as did his hair under a priest s wig ; the three - cornered hat over this effectually transformed the count into an abb 这件钢丝背心不久就被掩没在一件长大的法衣底下了,他的头发也已被教士的假发所掩盖,再加上那顶三角帽,伯爵就立刻变成了一位神甫。
The priest wore an explorer ' s boots and helmet , and a rough linen cassock darned in square patches like a sail , and he spoke at the same time that the baby cried and always as if he were in the pulpit 教士穿着探险者穿的那种靴子,戴着一顶遮阳帽,穿着一件像船帆一样带着方形补丁的黑色长袍,孩子一直哭,他一直在说,好像他是站在布道坛上一样。
Whoever they were , the killers were clear about their target : the vehicle bore diplomatic plates and a vatican flag , while the irish cleric , in white cassock and purple skull cap , was known to all ; so was his role in negotiating a peace accord , sealed a month earlier 不论他们是些什么人,凶手都对他们的目标明白无误:座车上标有外交牌照以及一面梵蒂冈国旗,同时,这位身着白色法衣和紫色头冠的爱尔兰籍传教士是人人皆知的;同样,他在事发一个月前所签订的一项和平协定的谈判中担当的角色也众所周知。
The learned prelate who administered the last comforts of holy religion to the hero martyr when about to pay the death penalty knelt in a most christian spirit in a pool of rainwater , his cassock above his hoary head , and offered up to the throne of grace fervent prayers of supplication 当英勇的烈士即将被处死刑之际,一位学识渊博的教长在主持圣教赐与最后慰藉的仪式。本着最崇高的基督教精神,跪在一泓雨水中,将教袍撩到白发苍苍的头上,向慈悲的宝座发出热切恳求的祷告。