Figure 3 : the white marble mountains of carrara 图三:卡拉拉的白色大理石山
Something about the cutters in carrara wanting better health benefits 因为意大利卡拉拉的切石工要求提高健康津贴
To find the perfect block of white marble for the david , michelangelo journeyed to carrara figure 3 , where my wife and i stopped on our way to the mediterranean coast 为了寻找到最合适雕塑“大卫”的白色大理石石块,米开朗基罗前往卡拉拉,我和我的妻子在旅行中也曾在这个地中海沿岸的小镇停留过。
In no particular order of difficulty , here is a list of the complications facing the young michelangelo as he approached a block of newly quarried carrara marble in the late summer of l499 , and prepared to embark upon the carving of his first pieta 这就是年轻的米开朗基罗在1499年夏末走近一块新采的卡拉拉大理石准备开始雕刻第一座《圣母怜子像》时面对的一系列难题。
Only she began to be afraid of the ghastly white tombstones , that peculiar loathsome whiteness of carrara marble , detestable as false teeth , which stuck up on the hillside , under tevershall church , and which she saw with such grim painfulness from the park 只是那达娃斯哈教堂下的小山旁直立着的那些不祥的白色墓石,开始使她惧怕了。这些墓石有一种奇特的惨白的颜色,象加拿拉的大理石一样,象假牙一样的可憎,她可发从园中清楚地望见。