And this was the carking secret ! she had not told 她没有把她的秘密讲出来。
Xml , higher data model , update language references 1 cark j , derose s . xml path language xpath 更新请求主要通过一个简单表达式- :来表示,以建立删除和更新两个存在对象间的父子关系。
It attaches much importance to the five test forms : reading aloud , talking about pictures , cark - cued oral - play , interview and group discussion 在研究方法上,本文使用了文献法、实验研究法,问卷调查法和访谈调查。
Queried one hearer who , by the way , seen from the side , bore a distant resemblance to henry campbell , the townclerk , away from the carking cares of office , unwashed , of course , and in a seedy getup and a strong suspicion of nosepaint about the nasal appendage 一个听者问道。从侧面望去,这个人长得有点儿像市公所秘书长亨利坎贝尔104 ,给人以刚从办公室的操劳中逃出来的感觉。他当然没洗过澡,衣衫褴褛,酒糟鼻子一眼就看得出。
She estimated the situation at a glance ; the creditors would swoop down on her anteroom , would mix themselves up with her love affairs and threaten to sell her little all unless she continued to act sensibly . then , too , there would be no end of disputes and carking anxieties if she attempted to save her furniture from their clutches 现在她对自己的前景一下看得清清楚楚了:债主们就要涌进她的候见厅里,他们甚至会干涉他们的爱情,并扬言拍卖她的一切,如果她不听从他们的安排的话为了让他们给她留下四件家具,必须要同他们没完没了地争吵,直到吵得头昏脑胀。